Question of the day?

A space for women to learn, empower, and grow!

Question of the day?

What are things in your life that you could get rid of to make your life happier?


3 Responses

  1. Doubt, Fear, Anxiety, Resentment and 80 pounds of FAT (lol).

    • M says:

      First I want to say THANK YOU for being open, I love that! What type of fear and doubt do you have? I am just curious because generally we can find things to SMASH those distractions! And 80 lbs love is temporary! Don’t hold on to it if you don’t want it! Resentment is our worst enemy, I would love to share with you some things that helped me move past some HUGE resentment issues I was having and it definitely held me back temporarily.



  2. Nicole says:

    I would say holding on to being hurt in the past.

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